Saturday, September 1, 2007

Hot August Nights

One more pitch night down without a hitch. It was a smallish crew of intrepid pitch nighters, but a good time was had by all. I was happy to meet a group of Art Institute students who ventured up to see the workshop from Orange County. Their teacher suggested WIA's pitch night as a valuable resource for students to meet professionals in the industry and network. I completely agree. Students and professionals attend regularly, as well as voice over actors, directors, writers, and fans of the industry. Every month is different so you never know who you might meet!

This month was no exception. Our first pitcher of the evening was Ken Roskos. He pitched the third part of his short roughly titled "Pandora's Box." Ken had a lot of active shots, and put more focus on his main character this time around. After he pitched, the audience clambored for him to return with more of his ongoing saga. It just goes to show that when you know your characters you can really make a story shine.

Next up was Joanne LeCocq. She brought in a test for "King of the Hill" that she recently completed. Everyone was very impressed with her gags and that she followed the essence of the show well. Bravo, Joanne!

Lastly, Dahveed brought in TWO projects to pitch (honestly, I don't think this man SLEEPS). The first was "Supa Pirate Booty Hunt" which he pitched to us last month in rough thumbnails. This time he had an animatic put together as well as some quick gag panel ideas. Dahveed got a lot of great input the month before, and really used it to further his project. It's going to be fun to watch this one develop. His second project was "Joey the Whiny Tapeworm." It's almost completely finished in animation, and there's some nice gags and writing. The critique focused on just tightening up a few spots in the narration that seemed slow.

Congrats everyone to another great pitch night-- see y'all next month!

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