Monday, October 1, 2007

Sept. Event Recap

What a great meeting! With a good-sized group of attendees, guest artist Melissa Suber in attendance, and an awesome short screened, there was something for everybody at September's pitch night.

Wendell Washer began our meeting with a suggestion of sketch improv. Although it started off rocky (that after-work fatigue slowed us down), it was a good way to get the creative juices flowing. Next, I asked Melissa Suber to introduce herself and her work. She was more than happy to regale us with stories of her experiences as a board artist and children's book illustrator. After answering a heapful of questions, Melissa took a break and we had our one and only pitch for the evening.

Erik Kuska, currently a board artist on American Dad, came for his first pitch night AND brought in a short film he's been creating in his spare time for about a year. It's currently in the animatic stage and titled, "Buffalo Lung". He screened it for us that night, and got just what he wanted- a room full of laughs. Erik's careful crafting of story and gag-building really paid off. The only suggestion we offered was to trim it down. Erik has all the laughs he needs, now he's got to trim out the fat and start animating. Go Erik! Hopefully he'll keep us in the loop on his progress.

After the pitch, Melissa opened her bag of goodies, and showed us some of her original mixed media paintings and concepts for possible future books. She also passed around her portfolio filled to the brim with gorgeous work. What a great way to cap the evening off!

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